The history of preventing RSV disease in patients with congenital heart disease
Chief of Cardiology, The Heart Center at Columbus Children's Hospital, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Timothy F. Feltes
The lung of the newborn is susceptible to the complications of a lower respiratory tract infection. In congenital heart disease, structural and functional abnormalities may further complicate an infectious lower respiratory tract illness. Respiratory syncytial viral (RSV) infection in the lung may cause significant perivascular inflammation that may alter the ability to reabsorb airway fluid and alter vascular tone both contributing to ventilation: perfusion mismatching. These factors will be presented in the discussion.
In the evolution of RSV prevention, both active and passive immunotherapy have been tested. In a recent multicenter, multinational trial, monthly intramuscular injections of a monoclonal antibody targeting the F-protein of the RSV capsule, palivizumab, was shown to be both effective and safe in children with serious congenital heart disease. These data will also be presented.
