ラット胎仔動脈管におけるthe large-conductance voltage-dependent and Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channelsの発現の検討
孫  芳1),羽山恵美子1),中西敏雄 2),松岡瑠美子1)

【Objective】The mechanisms of the O2-induced ductal constriction still remain unclear. Membrane potentials of the vascular smooth muscle cells decrease with the elevation of PO2 after birth, which are mainly determined by potassium channels on the membranes, including: BKCa, KATP, KV and Kir channels. Among them there was no report on BKCa channels both α and β subunits in ductus arteriosus (DA). Our purpose was to investigate the developmental changes of BKCa in DA.【Method】BKCa channels have 5 subunits: α, β1, β2, β3, β4. Their expression in mRNA level were examed in the tissues from 19th and 21th days rat fetuses as well as 87th days porcine fetus and newborn, separately, including DA, aorta (AO), pulmonary artery (PA), heart, lung and brain by Real-time PCR.【Results】BKCa α and β1 subunits mRNA expressed higher in DA than in PA and AO in porcine, moreover, their quantity increased along with the development. While as to rat fetuses, the expression of b1 subunits were much higher than α in DA, AO and PA. Along with the development, the expression of β1 subunits increased in DA and AO, but decreased in PA. The expression of α and other β subunits were quite low in the vasculars in both rat fetuses.【Conclusion】BKCa β1 subunits may play an important role in the after birth adaptation of the DA and PA in mammals.
