会員 各位

新生児開心術を成立・推進された小児心臓外科領域の巨人:Aldo Castaneda先生が2021年4月30日にご逝去されました。


理事長 坂本 喜三郎

We announce with sorrow the passing of the Apollonian surgeon, Aldo R. Castaneda.
On behalf of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery, we express our profound gratitude for having blazed the trail for your students and colleagues and helped the lives of so many children around the world! We present our sincere condolences to his wife, Arcely, his children, Claudia, Silvana and Aldo and to all grieving this loss.

Farewell and Godspeed, dear teacher and esteemed colleague!
Christo Tchervenkov, M.D.